About Us
Time and distance have become smaller factors in an increasingly technological society. As this technology increases, our interactions become more complex and we find ourselves not just a part of our immediate surroundings but a part of the larger, global community. It is with this in mind that makes a commitment through its products to contribute knowledge, time and services toward the good of mankind.From day one we have committed ourselves to becoming the best in the tool-making industry in terms of product, service and management.We see, in this industry, a promising future that can touch every aspect of the lives of millions on a daily basis.In addition to the ideal of providing a stable supply of machine tools with an excellent international reputation to a global community, we must also continue to follow our ideal of striving for perfection.
Our quest for this perfection must also include sharing our prosperity with others, our customers and employees alike as well as contributing to the knowledge and good of our international community. We keep these ideals in mind as we work with you to provide the best in quality, service and affordability the machine tool industry has to offer.
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No. 34, Hsing Kong Rd., Shang Kang, Chang Hua, Taiwan

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LathesMilling MachinesVertical Milling MachineTurret Vertical Milling MachineGrinding MachinesSurface Grinding MachinesTool Grinders For Tungsten CarbideGrinding Machines, CreepDouble Column Type Surface Grinding MachineCnc LathesSlant Bed, Cnc LathesCnc Vertical LathesCnc Turning CentersCnc Lathes, Vertical Bed TypeTeach- In Cnc LathesCnc Milling MachinesCnc Milling Machines, Bed TypeCnc Vertical Milling MachinesCnc Grinding MachinesCnc Surface Grinding MachinesCnc Vertical GrinderCnc Profilers Grinding MachineCnc Horizontal Boring & Milling MachineMachining CentersCnc Vertical Machining CentersDouble-column Machining Centers