About Us
We are metal forming technology Company promoted and establish by leading Companies in Taiwan with the specific purpose of integrating the Partners globally accepted Machine Tools and equipment into fully integrated manufacturing Lines for mass produced Parts; especially for the emerging Markets.We cover many technologies like Lamination Stamping, Transfer Draw & Forming, Cold Forming and Fine Blanking, Cold Forging, Strip Forming, Wire, Bar and Tube Forming; related automation like NC transfer and Robotic handling and post-stamping operations like assembly, welding, tapping, riveting.
When needed, we also work with technology Partners to integrate Die Casting and Machining into the process.
Our main technology Partners are Taiwan companies, but we also work with key technology providers in USA, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Spain and Japan.
As part of our focus on the emerging Markets we play an active role in facilitating technology transfer and joint ventures.
Our vision is to use technology to create Communities that make up a better World.
We work through a growing network of local Partners and Agents in India, SAARC, China, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, USA etc.