About Us
Company profileI Yuan has started our company in Taiwan since April in 1987. At that time, the capital is US$ 35,000. We manufactured and have the business in the washer pumpers and washer motors. In 1993 and 2004, we
expanded our product lines with cooling fan and blowers. To expand our product line and our development,
we have a new product line, window regulator,and we also moved to a new factory in Taoyuan County. Now
,our capital is US$ 8,700,000.For years, TIY has been offering a wide variety of reliable quality parts in the aftermarket. As a reputable supplier, TIY offers the most extensive replacement line in providing OE comparable products. We’ll be your best choice.
Manage Philosophy
the chairman, C. S. Wu, manages and leads us by innovation, harmony and honest to reach our goal, quality
first and customer satisfaction.
our major markets are U.S.A, Central and South America, Europe, and Asia. In the future we want to expand our
business with more customers.
through the horizontal integration, the vertical integration and ISO 9001, we have a great and fast ability to
develop products, operate the production efficient, stable quality control and have a good SCM, and then we
can offer our customer with high quality products, delivery on time, and win-win price.