About Us

Our product lines include DIY tire impact wrenches, airpurifiers/ionizers, multifunctional utility tools, and other DC 12V accessories. Having received patents issued by America, Germany, and other countries, our impact wrenches are among the top sellers. With a complete system integrating R&D, design, manufacturing, and customer relation, we have provided innovative products and quality services to clients around the World.
It has always been our aspiration to create products that no others can make. With years of experiences in electronic technology, material processing, and industrial design, we keep developing new auto accessories every year.
Constantly pushing our limits, we strive to bring out innovative designs that make people's life easier. With a dedication to perfection, we will continue to offer unmatched products and service that you can't find anywhere else.
When it's time to get off work, instead of grabbing their bags to rush home, the Interflow team members change their shoes to sneakers and walk out to the open ground in front of the office to stretch and run for 1 mile. Everyone does their best to finish the run.
Good runners compete with each other, poor runners cheer up for each other. Since the establishment of our company, we never stop running. That is an emphasis on fitness, health, teamwork, and perSistence.
The persistence we developed through every day running is the key that helps interflow Crop. to create innovative products. The product developing process was filled with arguments and setbacks. It took the courage and stamina for Interflow team to overcome all the challenges in order to achieve their goal The everyday running after the work hour that motivates our morale and reminds us the importance of great teamWork to create a best product.