About Us

The Eppinger Group - with its nearly 500 employees is worldwide one of the leading companies in the field of development and production of tool holders for CNC turning & milling centres as well as precision gears at the highest level.
We offer individual and end-to-end solutions from a single source - from development and design to production.
The right solutions at the right time
Whether fixed and driven tool holders or complete tooling systems, bevel gears - especially spiral, hypoid and zerol gears, rotary tables for machine tools or special precision gears, such as angular gears and coaxial gears as well as geared motors - products and solutions of the Eppinger Group are indispensable in machine and plant engineering, robotics or CNC technology.
Supplying and advising customers worldwide with our strong brands.
Our experience - your advantage
Owner-managed already in the third generation, we are proud to rely on nearly 100 years of tradition and experience.
Standing for innovation, while remaining down-to-earth and helping our customers to be successful. We know our customer’s markets and challenges and are there for them everywhere.
As a reliable partner, we always got the right solution at the right time.