No.12-19, Ln. 183, Sec. 4, Chongde Rd., Tanzi Dist., Taichung City 42755, Taiwan


Everything you need to know before getting a belt skimmer

Oil skimmers are quite popular in the machine industry as they help people to remove grease and oil. You can find many different types of oil skimmers available out there. Out of them, belt skimmers hold a prominent place out of them. Continue to read and we will share more details with you on what a belt skimmer is all about.

What exactly is a belt skimmer? 

A belt skimmer is nothing but a conveyance belt system, which comes along with the ability to absorb oil effectively. You will be able to use a belt skimmer and remove oil through absorption and immersion. This is a highly effective method available for you to get rid of oil.

Belt skimmers are effective, dependable, and simple. You can remove grease, oil, and even hydrocarbons from water with the help of a belt skimmer. Oil that floats on water will adhere to the skimming media present in the belt skimmer. Then the belt will travel back into the machine, which will wipe it clean. Likewise, you can continuously use a belt skimmer to remove oil from water.

How does a belt skimmer work? 

Before you buy a belt skimmer, it is worth to know how it works as well. Then you know what exactly you will be receiving for the amount that you spend out of your pocket. 

The functionality of a belt skimmer would depend on the fluid properties of surface tension and specific gravity. In here, a belt will be used as the moving medium in order to remove oil from the surface of the fluid. The floating grease and oil will cling into the skimming media more effectively when compared to water. This will allow media that is available in the shape of a belt to pass through the surface of fluid. Then it will effectively pick up grease and oil that floats on top of water. You can continuously use the belt skimmer to remove oil from water.

What are the applications of a belt skimmer? 

You can discover numerous applications of a belt skimmer. That’s because people consider a belt skimmer as a highly economical option that is available to separate oil from water. Moreover, it allows safe disposal and reuse of water as well. 

However, using a belt skimmer with certain applications can help you to secure the best results at the end of the day. For example, you may think about using belt skimmer to remove oil from coolants, wastewater sumps, heat treating operations, cutting fluids, food processing facilities, parts washers, service facilities, garages, monitoring wells, outdoor ponds, remediation processes, and many more.

There can be different variations I n belt skimmers available for purchase as well. Therefore, you should be careful to locate the most perfect belt skimmer that you can find out there to match with your operations. This is where you need to take a look at factors such as portability, skimmed water content, temperature, presence of hazardous materials, operating conditions, and size. 

Get the best belt skimmer today 

As you can see, a belt skimmer is one of the most effective forms of oil skimmers that you can find out there. Therefore, you don’t have to think twice before you purchase a belt skimmer. Still, you should be careful to go through available options and pick the best belt skimmer that you can find. Then you can effectively remove most of the oil without having to spend a fortune on the task. 

Oil Skimmer Ultra 90

Oil skimmer Ultra 360

Oil skimmer Ultra 1200


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