No.290, Sec. 6, Fongyuan Blvd., Fongyuan Dist., Taichung City 42072, Taiwan

Things you should do, and you should not do with surface grinders

When you are using surface grinders, you will need to be mindful about few important things. Then you can get the maximum out of the surface grinder that you use. Here are few things that you can possibly do, and possibly not do with surface grinders. You can take a look at these facts and go ahead with getting the most out of the surface grinder you have.

- Determine the type of the work you must do

Although low-speed surface grinders are adaptable, they are not a one-size-fits-all answer for all removal tasks. For instance, as a grinder, they are meant to remove just a few tenths of an inch of concrete from of the surface. As a result, a reduced surface grinder is not the best equipment for removing a half-inch of concrete from a 10,000-square-foot floor.

- Discover how to operate a surface grinder properly

Contractors that are aware of suitable operating practices will have a far more enjoyable experience with their low-speed surface grinders. Excess weight, including such concrete blocks or sandbags, may be added to the device to accelerate the pace of material removal. Apart from wire brushes, this applies to practically every attachment arrangement. Because most low-speed grinder are built for weight addition, see the owner's handbook for manufacturer recommendations.

Furthermore, many users attempt to accelerate the pace of material removal by pushing and dragging the device back and forth. A more efficient method is to gently swivel the machine around its wheels.

- Dispose materials accordingly

Due to today's stringent environmental restrictions, contractors should consider the disposal of waste generated during the machining operation, and it is critical to have a strategy in place before the operation begins. If the surface getting removed contains oil, chemicals, radiation, or other dangerous elements, they must be disposed of in accordance with regulatory standards.

- Don’t ignore maintenance

Surface grinders with low speed are simple devices. There aren't many components to maintain on gas-powered devices apart from basic engine maintenance. However, since the concrete dust produced by grinders is very abrasive, there are numerous essential lubrication requirements.

Transmission bearing lubrication is one of the most frequent maintenance tasks that is disregarded. The issue develops because most maintenance employees do not take the time to clear extra concrete dust buildups around the bearing after usage. The grease fittings eventually become concealed from view, and dirt continues to pollute the bearings. This causes complete failure, which may damage costly transmission components. To counteract this issue, some manufacturers have included a remotely lubrication system meant to make maintenance easier, although even it can prevent all misuse. As a result, ensure that the bearings are lubricated in accordance with the maintenance plan.

- Don’t use incorrect attachments

Every day, manufacturers' customer service representatives get calls from operators who are dissatisfied with the output of their surface grinders, and the issue is often created by the use of an inappropriate attachment. One of the most typical errors is attempting to remove or polish floor coatings using silicon-carbide stones. The stones will only operate for a brief time before their pores get clogged with stuff and they will no longer be effective. Scraper attachments may be the best option in this instance. Scrapers, on the other hand, will not work while attempting to remove concrete.

- Don’t stick to incorrect power sources

As simple as it may appear, ensure that the device in use is powered by the appropriate sort of power supply for the area. Because electric-powered devices would not operate in an outside setting with no electrical outlets, engine-powered grinders are often the best solution for outdoor applications. Electric-powered equipment will also not suffice in interior settings that lack enough electrical power. In these instances, a propane-powered machine may be the best option.

Keep these facts in mind and you can get the most out of your surface grinder accordingly.


Hand Feed Surface Grinders

Hydraulic Surface Grinders

Auto Downfeed Surface Grinders

CNC Surface Grinders

Rotary Surface Grinders




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