The Athena Series RMB, part of the new Series RM family, is a microprocessor-based, single-zone temperature controller specifically designed for runnerless molding applications. It f e a t u res an easy-to-use operator keypad, two LED displays, and three discrete indicators for heat-current, alarm and manual mode.
‧Compatible with existing Athena “G+” and DME “G” Series main frames
‧Accepts Type J or Type K thermocouple input (jumper selectable)
‧Auto-tuning, with adjustable proportional band and rate
‧Bumpless auto/manual transfer
‧CompuStepR bakeout feature prevents moisture at startup
‧Built-in loop break, short, open, and reverse thermocouple protection
‧Optional triac failure protection
‧Ground-fault protection (U.S. model)
‧Preset alarms at 30° F (17°C)
‧Jumper-selectable self-start mode
‧Current monitor feature displays average current to load