No. 6, Gongdong 2nd Rd., Shengang Township, Changhua County 509004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Precise Stamped Parts
LED Lead Frames

LED lead frames are essential components used in the manufacturing of LED (Light Emitting Diode) products. These frames play a crucial role in providing structural support, electrical connectivity, and thermal management for LED chips.

Key Functions:
Structural Support: LED lead frames offer mechanical stability to the LED chip, ensuring it remains securely in place within the package.

Electrical Connectivity: They provide pathways for electrical connections between the LED chip and external circuits, enabling efficient power and signal transmission.

Thermal Management: The lead frames help dissipate heat generated by the LED chip during operation, maintaining optimal performance and extending the lifespan of the LED.

Manufacturing Process:
Design: The design of the lead frame is tailored to the specific requirements of the LED chip, taking into account factors such as size, shape, and electrical characteristics.

Stamping: Metal sheets, often made from copper or alloys, are stamped into the desired shape using precision molds.

Plating: The lead frames are plated with materials like silver or gold to enhance their electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.

Forming: The lead frames are subjected to further processes such as bending and cutting to achieve the final required form.

LED lead frames are used in a wide array of LED products, including lighting fixtures, displays, automotive lights, and electronic devices. As the demand for LED technology grows, lead frame designs continue to evolve to enhance efficiency, performance, and cost-effectiveness.


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